South Asian Confederation of Anaesthesiologists Constitution and Bye-laws
An Executive Committee shall be elected at each South Asian Anaesthesiology congress for two year terms of office to carryout the aims and objectives of the confederation. Each society of Anaesthesiologists in the SAARC is to be represented in this Executive.
Article I Name crest and motto
1.1 The association shall be known as the south Asian confederation of Anaesthesiologists (SAGA).
1.2 The crest of SACA shall be the logo used in the First south Asian congress of Anaesthesiologists.
Article II Aims & objectives
2.1 To promote closer ties amongst the national societies of Anaesthesiologists of south Asian countries in particular and all other meams available.
2.2 To organize regular meetings (congresses, seminars, etc.) so that anaesthesiologists in SAARC can exchange views, information, experiences etc.
2.3 To help elevate the standard of training and practice in Anaesthesiology and critical care in south Asian countries.
2.4 To set standards of safety both far training and equipment.
2.5 To encourage exchange of expertise.
2.6 To help in exchange of technical knowhow and get the industries to exhibit their products in neighboring countries.
2.7 To make a directory of experts in different fields over a period of time.
Article HI composition
The nation of societies of anaesthesiologists in the south Asian countries shall compose the confederation of societies of Anaesthesiologists. The member countries shall be Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Srilanka, and other countries.
Article IV Contribution & Fees
The national societies of anaesthesiologists in the SAARC may give a voluntary contribution to the South Asian confederation of Anaesthesiologists secretariat.
Article V South Asian congress of Anaesthesiologists
A-SACA Congress of Anaesthesiologists shall be held once in two years, falling on an odd year. The congress shall consist of scientific sessions and executive committee meetings.
Sessions of the Congress and the proceedings thereat and relating thereto shall be such as may from time to time be prescribed by the Bye-Laws.
Article VI Amendments to the Constitution & Bye-laws.
6.1 Notice to submit to the Executive committee a resolution relating to any amendment of or addition to the Articles shall be given to the Secretariat not less than six (6) months before the meeting at which it is to be considered. Such resolution shall be deemed a decision of South Asian Confederation of Anaesthesislogists if it is carried by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the votes given thereon in the manner prescribed by the Bye-Laws.
6.2 Notice to submit to the Executive committee a resolution relating to any amendment or addition to the Bye-Laws shall be given to the secretariat not less than one day before the meeting or session at which it is to be considered. Such a resolution shall be deemed a decision of the confederation if carried by a simple majority of the votes given thereon in the manner prescribed by the Bye-Laws.
Article VII Committees.
7.1 The Executive committee
7.1.1 Shall consists of the following-(l) President-l(one) (2) President-Elect-Hone) (3) Secretary-l(one) (4) joint secretary-l(one) (5) Treasurer-l(one) (6)2 members from each country on executive
7.1.2 The national Society of anaesthesiologists who shall host the south Asian congress of Anaesthesiologists shall provide the President, the secretary, Treasurer and joint secretary for the next term.
7.1.3 President elect shall be from the National society of Anaesthesiologist, who shall host the next South Asian congress of Anaesthesiologists.
7.1.4 Each National society shall provide two members in executive committee of which one shall be the vice president and one shall be one committee member (In addition to 7.1.2 and 7.13)
Model of Executive Committee:
President-1 (one) (From Host Society)
President Elect-1 (one) (From Society who shall host the next congress)
Secretary-1 (one) (From Host Society)
Joint secretary-1 (one) (From Host Society)
Treasurer-l(one) (From Host Society)
Vice president-7 (Seven) (one from each member society)
Members-7 (seven) (one from each member society)
Total 19 (nineteen) (The members will vary according to the number of member society)
7.2 The organising committee of the south Asian congress of Anaesthesiologists:
7.2.1 The organising committee of the south Asian congress of Anaesthesiologists shall be appointed by the host national society.
7.3 Standing committees.
Standing committees shall be appointed and maintained by the Executive committee in such manner and have such powers as may be prescribed by the Bye-Laws or as the Executive committee may think proper.
Article VIII The Secretariat
8.1 The south Asian confederation of Anaesthesiologists Secretariat and official address of the confederation shall be the postal address of the secretary of the confederation,
8.2 The secretariat of the organizing committee of the south Asian Congress of Anaesthesiologists shall be decided on by the host national society.
Article IX Language.
The English language shall be the official language of the confederation.
Article X Dissolution
A decision to dissolve the confederation shall require the consent of at least two-thirds of the Executive committee members. It shall be taken at a meeting of the Executive committee specially called for the purpose. If two-thirds of the Executive committee members are not present at the meeting, a referendum shall be taken on the question of dissolution and on the method of dealing with the funds of the confederation in the event of dissolution.
EL I Functions
BL 1.1 Functions of national societies Each national society shall:
1.1.1 Take its turn by rotation to host the South Asian Congress of Anaesthesiologists.
1.1.2 Do all in its power to promote a knowledge of and an active interest in the objectives and work of the confederation.
1.1.3 Reply to all inquiries and questionnaires from the Executive committee as quickly as possible or within the time limit specified by the Executive committee.
1.1.4 Keep the Executive committee informed of any events or developments in its country of interest to the confederation.
1.1.5 appoint the Executive committee members which the national society is entitled to (see?. 1.2, 7.1.3 & 7.1.4 of the constitution).
BL 1.2 Functions of Executive committee The Executive committee shall:
1.2.1 Determine the place and time for each succeeding meeting of the Executive committee.
1.2.2 Choose the host for each succeeding congress on a rotational basis.
1.2.3 Meet preferably at least once a year and at such time as may be necessary. Meetings shall be held at such place and upon such notice as the president may designate.
1.2.4 Appoint the members of the standing committees, fill the vacancies of such standing committees, decide on the terms of office of each member of the standing committees and decide on the terms of reference of each standing committee.
1.2.5 Have the authority or power to form other committees as needed.
BL 2 Duties of office-Bearers and Executive committee members.
BL 2.1 The president shall preside at all Executive committee meetings and shall be responsible for the management of the Executive committee.
BL 2.2 The Vice president shall generally assist the president and in the absence of the president, the vice president shall select one of themselves to preside at a meeting.
BL 2.3 The Hon Secretary.
2.3.1 Shall convent all meetings of the Executive committee.
2.3.2 Shall prepare a report of the activities of the executive which shall be circulated to national societies not less than one month before the date fixed for executive committee meetings.
2.3.3 Shall keep minutes of all Executive committee meeting of the confederation
BL 2.4 Treasurer.
1.4.1 Shall sign all cheques which will have to be countersigned by the secretary of the executive committee.
1.4.2 Shall prepare the Financial report which shall be circulated to the National societies one month before the date fixed for the congress.
2.4.3 Shall accept contributions and fees from the national societies.
BL 2.5 Executive committee members shall assist in any capacity to be determined by the President.
BL 3 Term of office.
The term of office of the Executive committee shall be from one congress to next.
BL 4 Quorum.
No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Executive committee unless at least three (3) members be present.
BL 5 Agenda.
The agenda for the Executive committee shall be prepared by the Exectuve committee which has the power to decide whether or not a resolution submitted by a national society falls within the objective of the confederation.
BL 6 Notice of motions.
BL 6.1 Motions, proposals, proposed amendments to the constitution and other matters to be included in the agenda must be sent by national societies to reach the Hon secretary not later than six (6) months before the date fixed for the congress.
BL 6.2 The Hon secretary shall forward to all national societies not less than one (1) month before the date fixed for the congress the Agenda including :
(i) any motions proposed by any national society.
(ii) proposed amendments to the constitution.
(iii) any other matters requested by any national society.